Case in point – the happy Golden Retriever mix. We received multiple calls on a dog kept in a kennel all day, every day. I made contact with the family and concluded that the dog has always been an outside dog for them. I went over some basics with them regarding proper shelter in Michigan and they were very receptive. They just couldn’t have an indoor dog. They still took her for walks and played with her. The kennel was of good size, the shelter insulated with straw. I pointed out that it does require a flap over the doorway of the doghouse to keep the wind out and they modified it for me. Several more complaints saw me visiting a happy and content dog who had everything provided and I communicated this to the disgruntled complainants. I suggested they contact their state representative regarding an update in the state laws as I am only able to enforce what’s on the books, no matter how much they insisted the dog should live on a couch instead of a kennel.

In contrast I was sent to a home one cold morning where a dog was being kept in a wire kennel on the back porch. I arrived and made contact with a young woman who admitted the dog was outside but of course denied being responsible for the animal, despite being the only adult home. She agreed to meet me around the back of the house so I could see the dog.

What I found was a young, thin pitbull desperately attempting to get out of a wire crate that had a tray filled with urine and water making her little paws no doubt freeze in this very frosty weather. The woman couldn’t give me a better excuse as to why this dog was out here, other than it was just too much energy to keep inside and she doesn’t really want it. I was very blunt that she would be facing animal cruelty charges unless the dog is signed over to me now. After loading the poor dog into my warm cargo area and having the woman sign her over, I lectured her about never taking on another animal if this is how she intends on caring for them. I think, I hope, I scared her enough to hate me and never get another dog.
As you can imagine, we get animal welfare calls daily. I’ve learned to take every complaint with a grain of salt. Just because someone thinks an animal is kept improperly does not mean they truly are. Ultimately I decide what happens. Is there actually a violation? Is the animal being purposely neglected or harmed? Is this something that can be educated and corrected to keep the pet in the home of an otherwise loving owner?
Having knowledge of animals, the law and resources aids my position. Having some common sense is even better. Common sense is not common in our human species I’ve found.